Wednesday, July 5, 2023

TENPAM celebration 9

 Welcome to the Ripoff Roundup! I did a lot of copying back in the day. 

Alien language from Calvin and Hobbes...


Questionable flirting practices from Garfield...

 This comic was got so long, I had to tape on extra paper!

I always liked wish-granting stories and magical realism. I believe I got it from this Calvin and Hobbes comic. (Plus the general sled and wagon mayhem). Reading that comic now though, it seems I totally missed the joke.

100% Peanuts ripoff!

I stole the image of fluffy Garfield. However, I added the monologue. And I think this is actually where I figured out how to use the word "outcome."

Classic Underwear gag...

Plus tossing a crumpled paper. I actually had to ask one of my parents what this meant because I didn't understand that the scribble in the air by Calvin was a crumpled up paper. Once I learned, I used paper wads like a pro. Though I added sound effects for clarity.

Then there's Woodstock's sweet setup from "It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown." Right down to those pins in the headphones!

I stole the soda blast from a few different Garfield comics (here and here), but I pioneered this... very direct approach.

Thankfully I've gotten better at creating original ideas. But sometimes, I still steal things... from myself!


Stay tuned! Tomorrow we delve into the REAL ORIGINS of NPAM!

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